How to say your own name
Let’s get back to basics. And let’s start with the most basic of the basics: how to say your own name.
Is this too basic? I don’t think so. I spend a lot of time working with speakers on just this. If you rush through greeting the room and saying your name, you’re missing a vital opportunity for connection with your audience.
It’s not that you’re not good at saying your own name. It’s that you’re too good at it! You toss it off; say it too fast; speed through it on your way to get to the topic of your talk. It becomes one of your least understandable moments in the spotlight.
The simplest way to do this is to start your talk by greeting the room and introducing yourself. “Hello! My name is …” is a strong and solid way to begin. If you have a more sophisticated launch strategy for your talk, make sure that you find a moment to say your name out loud and slowly enough for people to hear at some point.
I recommend practicing saying your own name slowly several times. What do people get confused about when they hear you on the phone? What other names do they confuse yours with? How can you say your name in a way that they really hear it?
I’m not Marissa, Michelle or Martha. I’m Melissa. I can minimize confusion by slowing down enough to give each syllable clarity.
Here’s the beauty of it: You know your own name! This is a moment to look away from your notes and acknowledge the people who are present. It offers them an immediate point of connection with you. It allows them to hear how you pronounce your name. This is crucial.
About 2/3rds of the people I work with say they want to speak at a conference to raise their professional profiles. If you want people to know who you are, they need to know what to call you.
Contact me about public speaking coaching today.